


  • Nurmuhamedova Dilshoda



education, facilitate learning, emerging teaching methods, innovative ideas, fundamental knowledge, teaching methods, science and technology, activities.


The quality of education is being accelerated by various types of teaching strategies. Teaching is the gateway to learning. Therefore, new teaching methods have been invented for a long time to facilitate learning. Nowadays, the evolving technology of education has led to the development of new teaching methods. So, the researcher has aimed to find out about emerging teaching methods and also analyzed the benefits and challenges of modern teaching methods. A documentary-analysis method has been used to accomplish the purposes of the study. Modern teaching, in essence, is a particular teaching method that focuses on instructing students to improve their intellect by utilizing new and innovative ideas, as opposed to making them recite information memorized from a syllabus to pass a rigid examination. Modern teaching focuses on the entire learning process, rather than focusing strictly on the final result, and is dedicated to helping students build skills as part of a constructivist approach to learning.


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