syntactic, grammar, linguistic literature, lexico-semantic, semantic component, aesthetic, lexical compatibility, multidirectional, lexeme.Abstract
Research of syntactic-semantic analysis of three-act verbs consists in theoretical comprehension of transformational grammar in its enormous explanatory power. The core of transformational grammar is the idea of the core of the language, consisting of the simplest linguistic structures, from which all other linguistic structures of greater or lesser complexity can be derived. The problem of invariance, which is the central problem of modern structural linguistics, finds its most profound solution precisely in transformational grammar. The study of stylistic functions of verb units is impossible without typological study vocabulary, which is designed to explore the most significant structural signs and trends in the formation of the lexico-semantic system. The author emphasizes the following ideas that are used in the linguistic literature: names of lexical associations of words: lexical-semantic field, lexicosemantic group, thematic group (thematic series), synonymous series. However, the research obtained in the article proves that there is still no single point view of the differences between these associations.
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