


  • A.M. Narzullayeva

    Bukhara Engineering and Technological Institute narzullaeva.aziza@yandex.ru (99891 412 64 96)
  • B.N. Umarov

    Bukhara Engineering and Technological Institute narzullaeva.aziza@yandex.ru (99891 412 64 96)
  • M.M. Sadikova

    Bukhara Engineering and Technological Institute narzullaeva.aziza@yandex.ru (99891 412 64 96)


polyvinyl chloride, polymers, vegetable oils, synthesis, dibutyl phthalate, dioctyl phthalate, plasticizer, composition, polyvinyl chloride, castor oil, glycerin, technology, ecology.


Production of environmentally friendly polymeric materials intended for the manufacture of medical equipment, children's toys is one of the important problems in chemical technology. For the production of these products, phthalates are widely used as plasticizing additives to polymers, in particular dibutyl phthalate, dioctyl phthalate, which are considered non-toxic. However, it is known that they have a hazard class - II. The article provides a literature review on the use of vegetable oils as plasticizers for polymers. The authors propose a method for obtaining an environmentally friendly plasticizer for PVC compositions from castor oil, present the results of research in this area, provide optimal options for the method for obtaining an environmentally friendly plasticizer, as well as a technological scheme for the production of a plasticizer and its description.


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