n-Li algebralar, nilpotent n-Li algebralar, hiponilpotent algebralar, yechiluvchan n-algebralar, differensial.Abstract
Dastlab 1985-yilda Filippov[9] n -Li algebrasi tushunchasini kiritdi va (n+1) -o‘lchamli n -Li algebralarini tasnifladi. 2009-yilda R.Bai va boshqalar[3] n -Li algebralarida giponilpotent ideal tushunchasini kiritdilar va berilgan maksimal m -o‘lchamli filiform giponilpotent ideallar bilan yechiluvchan 3-Li algebralarining tavsifini oldilar. Ushbu maqolada maksimal filiform hiponilpotent idealga ega bo‘lgan maksimal yechiluvchan 3-Li algebralari tasnif qilingan.
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