


  • Mokhigul Rahmanovna Mayusupova

    Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies 2nd year master's student, International Relations and World Politics e-mail: mohigulmayusupova@gmail.com


Cybersecurity, Central Asia, digital infrastructure, regional cooperation, government policy, security issues, international cooperation.


As cyber threats become more sophisticated, we can see an increase in the number of cyber attacks targeting the government, financial and industrial sectors. This article examines the specific features of cyber security systems in the Central Asian region, and gives a detailed opinion about the existing problems and opportunities in the region. Also, the measures taken by the countries located in the Central Asian region to strengthen cyber security measures were analyzed and the current state of cyber security was given based on percentages. In addition, in the article, the author highlighted the common and different aspects of cyber security approaches in the republics located in the Central Asian region, including: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.  


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